Slowjuices are a real health hype nowadays. You can get those juices in every fancy and healthy hotspot in Amsterdam (and further), but you can also make them yourself at home with a slowjuicer. The juice that comes out of the slowjuicer is much healthier than the juice that comes out of a blender. Because the squeezing process goes slow, a lot more vitamins, minerals and enzymes of the fruit and vegetables are being saved.
With a slowjuicer, it’s a lot easier to take your recommended daily allowance of fruit and vegetables. Because the ingredients will be squeezed into juice, you’ll need lots of it to make a nice full glass of juice. But what kind of combinations of ingredients make a nice juice? Let me help you out with 3 recipes to give you some inspiration for making your own juices.
The green gold
Need a good resistance boost? The colour of this juice might not look so appetising, but this magic green solution is full of healthy vitamins and fibres. The addition of the green apple and lemon give this juice a sweet and sour touch and the ginger makes it a little bittersweet.
Ingredients for two glasses:
- 1 cucumber
- yellow bell pepper
- 2 celery stalks
- a piece of ginger (to taste)
- 1 hand full of spinach
- 1 fennel
- 1 green apple
- 1 lemon
You only have to remove the core of the apple, the skin of the lemon and ginger, and the seeds from the bell pepper. Make sure the rest is washed properly and then cut everything into smaller pieces. Put everything is the slowjuicer and enjoy your healthy green juice!
Deep red beetroot
Beetroot is full of good vitamins like B11, B6, B2 and C and has got a positive effect on your blood. Plus, it gives your juice a beautiful red colour. The blueberries lessen the bitter taste of the beetroot and are a good source of antioxidants.
Ingredients for two glasses:
- 6 beetroots
- 3 hands full of blueberries
- 2 hands full of spinach
- 100 grams of kale
- 1 lemon
Remove the skin of the lemon, wash all the other ingredients and cut them into smaller pieces. Slow juice everything together and you’re ready!
Orange juice 2.0
Orange juice is one of my favourite drinks. It’s full of vitamin C and it gives me a nice boost in the morning. Add some carrots to it for some vitamin A and some ginger to boost your immune system. This juice is a lot sweeter than the other ones, but just as healthy. Perfect for early mornings!
Ingredients for two glasses:
- a piece of ginger (to taste)
- 6 carrots
- 4 oranges
- 1 lemon
- 2 celery stalks
- some lettuce or white kale
Make sure you remove the skin of the lemon, oranges and ginger and wash all the other ingredients. Cut everything into smaller pieces and put it all in the slowjuicer. Wait a few minutes, and enjoy!
Photo header via iStock, credits: Foxys_forest_manufacture