Every two seconds somewhere in the world a girl is forced to marry a man even if she is still a child herself and the man is much older. Every year, worldwide, fifteen million girls are victims of child marriages, often with life-long consequences for the victims. They can’t go to school and domestic violence is often something they face daily. Without education or the chance of own income, they are totally dependent on their husband and family. Girls who marry too young often get babies when their body is not ready for pregnancy yet. They run great health risks.
Bike adventure
To help these girls, Plan Nederland organises Cycle for Plan to help to stop child marriages. Cycle for Plan is a cross-country bike adventure over the spectacular mountain passes of Vietnam, the challenging tracks in Malawi or the impressive nature of Nicaragua. It’s not just a sportive challenge, but you also bike for a good cause: Plan Nederland.
During the trip, you will visit various Plan projects and see for yourself what the impact is of the projects. In addition, you get to know your sponsor child, who together with her entire community is supported by your participation in Cycle for Plan for three years.
Last year the bike ride went to Zambia, this year it’s time to discover Malawi! Participants will bike over 500 kilometers in 7 days. If you want to participate yourself follow this link and see what the conditions are. You can also visit some information evenings. It’s gonna be an amazing bicycle tour with the best cause!
In cooperation with Plan Nederland